I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe
Gua Poem:
Hand washing but not yet offering, with solemn sincerity.
The image says: The wind blows over the earth: observing. The ancient kings inspected the whole country. They contemplated the people and set up education.
Guān: the ideogram and the story (NEW). What does it mean for your question?
This hexagram is complementary to hex.34.
Top 9: Contemplating someone's life. A noble man, no fault
If your life is good in your own eyes has a lot to do with other people. You can accomplish great things, but it is the simple fact of love which tells about its value. If your heart is noble counts heavy. If your mind is intelligent or creative or elevated above others counts very little, if anything at all.
(Changes to hex.8) Mirror
9 at 5: Contemplating my own life. A noble man, no fault.
Look at your life as if you assess a stranger. See your own good and bad sides. For both one needs honesty, both are difficult. Look without pride, but with love, and important: with sense of reality. Not your intentions count, but the results. Both in the world and in yourself.
(Changes to hex.23) Mirror
6 at 4: Contemplating the glory of the state. Fruitful to make use of being a guest of the king.
When you feel you should improve something, then make use of the powers who can do that. Build the right relationships.
(Changes to hex.12) Mirror
6 at 3: Contemplating my own life. Advancing, withdrawing.
Advance when the road is open, retreat when it is closed. Don't decide by rules, custom, demands of others, fear, reactions, whatever. Listen to life itself, then it will cost very little effort.
(Changes to hex.53) Mirror
6 at 2: Contemplation with a narrow view. Fruitful: a woman's divination.
If you can see only a small part of something, then stay nimble and open. Creativity can do a lot with few possibilities if one refrains from a predetermined course, always open to chances and ready to answer to the moment.
(Changes to hex.59) Mirror
Initial 6: Initial 6: Youthful contemplation. For small people no fault. For a noble man distress.
When inexperienced, watch with an open mind. when experienced, watch with wisdom. Receptiveness causes things to develop and prosper, in and around you.
to hex.42) Mirror