I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe

  Yi Jing, Oracle of the Moon



Images, imagination

I am a publisher now!

"YiMages & YiMagic"

  The origin of the dragon and why he is the bringer of rain.

  About the axis of the world, the Dao, the Supreme One and the Pole Star.
    Ever wondered why Yi talks to and about men and seldom to or about women?


Stories which are fiction and stories which are not

  Small stories about the birth of an oracle

Work in progress
  Uitbeeldingen van de hexagrammen. Beelden spreken meer dan woorden, vooral omdat de Chinese karakters ook beelden zijn.
  Images of the hexagrams. Images say more than words, especially because Chinese characters are images.

   A blog in images

  "I decided that I needed to create my own version of what I Ching means to me. So this is a Western Woman’s perspective..." Adele Aldridge.

J. W. Kilvington

Mudita: Overcoming the Reptilian Dilemma

  "Using the Tranformations from the Classic of Changes".
  It is a book to read randomly.
ISBN 9781708704599
  I saw a chapter about old and young yang and yin combined with cardinal, fixed, mutable and ricorso (end-begin).

It turned into trigrams and their combinations: Heaven in the upper trigram is either Cardinal or Mutable, and which of these it is combined with another trigram. It is interesting, but maybe after I fixed all links in the website. And after finding out what a lineplace means in a specific trigram, and after...
Because if I start reading with all this waiting for me, I cannot make any sense of it even though it does look like making sense. It combines anything with everything which interests me - Yi, alchemy, chakras, zen, art, and a lot not shown in text but in images.


last update: 22.09.2022


© LiSe April 2000