I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe
Gua Poem (the invocation):
Waiting with truth
Shining expansion
Divination auspicious
Fruitful to cross the great stream
The great image says: Clouds high in heaven: Needing a change in the weather. The noble one drinks and eats and reposes relaxed.
Xū: the ideogram and the story (NEW). What does it mean for your question?
This hexagram is complementary to hex.35, where one picks up everything one can make use of. Hex. 5 is about waiting, but as a verb, actively waiting for what one needs. Don't neglect the other side when you concentrate on one of the two.
Top 6: Entering the cave. There are unexpected visitors. Three people come. Respect them. The end is auspicious.
Even in difficult situations there are always possibilities. Keep your mind open, something might come up. Especially when your mind is at a loss, the unexpected can happen. Some call it a miracle. Read what Rumi says
(hex.5 its 9 Cultivating the small: Life does what it does: respect it) Mirror
9 at 5: Waiting with liquor and food. Divination auspicious.
Every situation asks for its own appropriate
attitude. When you eat, then enjoy eating, when you work, enjoy it, when
you wait, enjoy it. Give every aspect of life an honorful place in your
mind. Positive living summons positive forces, negative living drains life
of all its energy and worth. "After all, the best thing one can do when it is raining is let it rain" (H.W. Longfellow).
(hex.5 its 11 Eminence: Connect the elements of life with each other) Mirror
6 at 4: Waiting in blood. Getting out of the cave.
You are in a bad place, and you want out. Think first - should you? It is a time of waiting and in this situation waiting might open another possibility or change everything. But often it is not thinking but your fear or alertness which makes it happen.
(hex.5 its 43 Breakthrough: Don't abandon ideals, being in the right place may be enough) Mirror
9 at 3: Waiting in the mud. Attracting bandits.
The mind has a tendency to fall asleep when it has to wait. Sometimes an impulsive,
maybe foolish, act is better than becoming dull. Don't stay in a bad place.
(hex.5 its 60 Limits: If you have a sloppy mind, you have to deal with bad results)
9 at 2: Waiting in the sand. There is some talk. In the end auspicious.
Stranded in a place without much footing. Relax, talk and listen and maybe in between the insignificant chatter you or someone else will come with a good idea.
(hex.5 its 63 Already: Panic is a bad master. Mirror
Initial 9: Waiting in the outskirts. Harvest: benefit of steadiness. No fault
When there are no possibilities, then wait but do not give up or leave, something might come along. Keep your ears, eyes and especially your mind open and alert.
(hex.5 its 48 Well: No possibilities unless you change things. Mirror
More about the lines of hex.5 and their characters
Meanings of line-places
Multiple lines changing