I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe

  Yi Jing, Oracle of the Moon

Line places


  3. The third line has to do with emotions and evaluation, beliefs, talents and abilities.

  2. The second line with reactions, 'walking in the world', connections with other beings or possessions, behavior.

  1. The bottom line has to do with reality, action, matter. Tangible things, the way one stands on the earth, reflexes, (survival) instinct.

  6. The top line with spirit, wisdom, mental processes.

  5. The fifth line with organizing, leading, overseeing, giving structure to things, identity.

  4. The fourth line with decisions, finding the road, judging and choices, common sense.

Wilhelm (page 360 in W-Baynes)

  3. is transitional.

  2. is the official in the country, son, woman.

  1. is not active within the time, beginning, not yet in field of activity.

  6. the sage, not active within the time, already withdrawn from the affairs of the time, end.

  5. is the ruler, husband.

  4. is the minister, wife.


  3. the three nobles (3 Gong) (ministers assisting the sovereign).

  2. the senior official (Dafu) the highest noble of the court.

  1. the senior serviceman (administrator in service, lowest rank).

  6. is the royal ancestral temple (ancestors of the emperor).

  5. is the Son of Heaven (emperor).

  4. the feudal dukes or princes, those who stood a step lower than the Emperor.


 3. is the thigh, waist or groin.

 2. is the calves and ankles.

 1. is the foot, big toe, animal's tail.

 6. is the top of the head, ears, horns of animals.

 5. is the head or back of the neck, nose, mouth.

 4. is the back or torso.

From Balkin*, page 50

 3. is ambition, striving, and individual endeavor.

 2. is is rational selfinterest.

 1. is instinct and emotion.

 6. is old age and death.

 5. is maturity and culmination.

 4. is middle age, career, and creation of a family.

* Jack M. Balkin, "The laws of change: I Ching and the philosophy of life", 2002, ISBN 0-8052-4199-x www.schocken.com

last update: 01.12.2020


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