I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe
Gua Poem:
Recovering - expansion.
Going out and coming in without affliction.
Friends come without fault.
Going to and fro on one's road,
a seven-day cycle.
Fruitful to proceed probing.
The great image says: Thunder in the center of the earth: return. The first kings closed the frontiers at sun solstice, peddlers did not travel, the empress did not leave the region.
Fù: the ideogram and the story (NEW). What does it mean for your question?
This hexagram is complementary to hex.44. I changed the name, because 'return' sounds like going back. Fu is again, turn around, but also recover, answer, restore. Much more than going back.
Top 6: Losing the way at recovering, pitfall. There are calamities and mistakes. To set the army marching ends in a great defeat, causing the country ruler a pitfall. For 10 years incapable of a rectifying expedition.
When you want to change your way for a better one, then do so in a calm and well-thought through manner. Making a drastic change might send you to another wrong turn. Use your intuition and investigations to find the right course of action.
(Changes to hex.27) Mirror
6 at 5: Magnanimous recovering. without regret.
Nothing should be able to hold you back from returning to your center, from recovering your truth. No person, no shame, no fear, no common sense. Only when you can do that, your life will be meaningful and free.
(Changes to hex.3) Mirror
6 at 4: Move central (halfway), recover alone.
Meet others, don't reject them and don't submit to their views, but meet them halfway. Respect everyone in their uniqueness, yourself just as well. So return to yourself again after every encounter.
(Changes to hex.51) Mirror
6 at 3: On the brink of recovering. Danger. Without fault.
If one's aim is always to return to one's essence, in every situation or action, one has not chosen the easiest way of living. It will bring difficulties, setbacks, insecurity, but the reward is great. How many people will ever find the place where they belong? This is the way to find it.
(Changes to hex.36) Mirror
6 at 2: Relaxed recovering. Auspicious.
Who has strength can return thus matter-of-course that nobody will contest his decision. Everybody will immediately accept it as the natural thing to do. One's own ease makes ease with others. Everyone will have the freedom to be what he is, which is the base of good relations.
(Changes to hex.19) Mirror
Initial 9: Not from far recovering. Without reverence or regret. Very auspicious.
The best way to return from an error is from out one's own insight. Regret also makes one return, but usually too late. Someone telling you is a way too, but when your own insight is not part of it, you will probably make the same fault again (.. and again). Whereas insight gives your life its real destination - the highest one fate has in stock for you.
(Changes to hex.2) Mirror
More about the lines and their characters
Meanings of line-places
Multiple lines changing