I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe
Luoshu 1: North
Kan, the pit.
When the outer trigram is water, the circumstances are dark and may feel dangerous. But very often the 'danger' is due to ignorance rather than a danger that threatens you as reality. Ignorance, unfamiliarity or fear can change small things to big threats and perceived dangers to real ones instead of dealing with them in a reasonable way.
In this place
you can deal with ghosts, both inside or outside. Like unfounded beliefs of fears, old pain, regrets and traumas. Insecurity or the clutter in your head or house. Or real threats or anything unknown or unclear.
The lower, inner trigram is the answer to your question. Heaven: learn to trust. Earth: roll up your sleeves. Thunder: find the courage to start. Mountain: look further than your comfort zone. Wind: find inspiration. Fire: get insight or overview and create order. Lake: fit within the space you have.