I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe
Shenshu hardcover book
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Luoshu Trigram Oracle
What is the Luoshu Oracle
(All oracle-consulting: © 2010 Emanuele, Italy)
NEW Tarot.Pro
(© Martijn de Grunt 2024)
The construction of Yi's answer
(All texts © LiSe 2004-2024)
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ShenShu (hardcover)
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The Bagua pattern
for the hexagram lay-out
and a Bagua-reading
Ancient Chinese characters are ideograms, containing several images. When a problem arises, these characters give a wide field of meaning when used in an answer, either literally or as a random text. Since Quantum mechanics tells us that random may not be that random, it is possible to build an oracle with this language. The Yijing (or I Ching) is exactly that. It has been used for around 3 millennia by rulers, generals and later also by common people.
About multiple and random answers for a problem, see 'Design Thinking'. Compare it to standing on a certain ridge in the Alps. When spitting to the right it will end up in the Donau, spitting to the left will end up in the Rhine. "Random" is like that ridge, it adds another way of thinking to your regular paths, and it combines the two in your subconscious: the source of genuine and innovative creativity.
I love the old characters but my aim is this real creativity. I want to share it so others can benefit from it.
It is an associative way of reading, in contrast to the analytical way of understanding a text, an explanation or interpretation.
Finding back the associative way and restoring it to its rightful place is the future
of humanity and the basis of feminism. It is a huge but neglected skill. The analytical skill is extremely useful, but can cause disaster without its counterpart.