I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe

  Yi Jing, Oracle of the Moon

The image of hexagram 11
Tài, eminent

Trigram Earth

  Hexagram 11 has trigram Heaven below or inside, Earth above or outside. Heaven below is your inner set of rules and responsibility, your timing and strategy. Earth is nurturing, (your) people, doing the job, space or field.

What does it mean, 'inner' and 'outer trigram' (popup)

When trigram Heaven is below (popup)
When trigram Earth is above (popup)

  Heaven below Earth: when a person is nurturing and protecting according to an inner law and integrity, he or she has eminence. She will be a blessing to everyone.

  The old diviners gave this combination of trigrams a name: Tài. It is the name of the sacred mountain which dominated the Zhou lands. A mountain nurtures the valley at its foot and is the revered symbol of "home" for those who live there.

  Ideogram of the hexagram name: in most characters at the top a person with arms wide: big. Left and right hands and in the center below water or a river. Like an image of a mountain. Large, its flanks embraced by forests, with brooks and rivers running down its slopes and bringing life and prosperity to the valley.

  The 'Great Image' says: Heaven and Earth unite: Eminence. The ruler fashions and completes the Dao of Heaven and Earth. He supports mutually with Heaven and Earth their order. He stands by the commoners.

  Hex.11 is the contrast of 12, which is about refusing, saying no, often with good reason. Hex.11 is the helping angel, the caring parent or deity, the stroke of luck you find on your path, the blessing which rains down on you. Make sure you answer to the opportunities you receive, pick up what you find and use it to spread blessings yourself. And also accept the difficult sides of 'home', or it will not be one.

  Tai is about imploring for favors and blessings and receiving abundance and prosperity. If you ask the gods for blessings, you will receive them, because you open your mind to see them. Some people find things in places where many others went before and found nothing. Happiness is the result of a state of mind, and going to Mount Tai is to find that.
  Tai: The ideogram as a whole looks like a great mountain: Tai Shan himself, in Shantung. 'Tai wind' means West wind: blowing towards the Eastern sacred mountain. It was for the Zhou the most important of the holy mountains, their most direct connection with the divine ones.

last update: 24.08.2024


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