I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe

  Yi Jing, Oracle of the Moon

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I made and still make books about Chinese oracles, but also about Anton Heyboer, artist.
Most are made and printed in my own home, some of them (printed and) bound by hand by Carin Schripsema. A few in cooperation through a regular publisher. A few through POD (Pumbo).

In order of publishing date:
* Set of 3 CD's with songs by Anton Heyboer, 1997
* 6 CD's with various songs by Anton, 2003-2008
* "Anton Heyboer, de filosofie van een originele geest" with Wim Zonjee. Publisher: Samsara, 2006
* "Anton Heyboer, the philosophy of an original mind", Publisher: Samsara, 2006
* "All the stories", Anton and Carin Schripsema, Dutch + English, 2006
* "Orakelverhalen" Anton Heyboer and Carin Schripsema, 2006
* "Het systeem van Anton Heyboer" A5, YiMages&YiMagic ±2006
* "Eigen druk", YiMages&YiMagic ±2006
* "Silens", with Carin Schripsema, A4 with CD YiMages&YiMagic 2008
* "Hooglied", with Carin Schripsema, with CD YiMages&YiMagic 2008
* "Het stille moment", with Carin Schripsema, YiMages&YiMagic 2010
* "Het stille moment" movie by Carin Schripsema, ±2010
* "Het systeem 1954 uitgetikt", door groep in Volendam, 2010 of eerder
* "Printed me", A4, YiMages&YiMagic 2013
* "Het tijdeloze werk", serie boekjes over Anton's leven, YiMages&YiMagic 2010-2018
* "Thaughts for mr. Lefebre", re-make of a 1975 folder, YiMages&YiMagic 2011
* "Anton Heyboer, een leven als kunstwerk", fotoboek met Leo Duppen, 2016
* "Shenshu", illustrated Chinese oracle of 384 poems, YiMages&YiMagic 2019

last update: 22.09.2022


© LiSe April 2000