I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe

  Yi Jing, Oracle of the Moon

Trigram oracle

My experience is that the trigram oracle is very suitable for finding out the potential of 'today' or any situation. For deciding what kind of thing will work extra well.
Three lines, one about what you want mentally, one about what material you have to work with and one about what you could get done.
First trigram shows the 'world', what is possible right now, will you find cooperation or resistance and so on.
Second trigram shows what may be possible to change and in which direction. Quite a lot of that depends on your own intentions and strength.
It is a mix of fortune-telling and showing you what you can do yourself to make it happen the way you'd want it to.

The bold links below are finished for the time being, but will probably change again.
Hopefully it will soon be possible to consult the trigram oracle. Emanuele is making a trigram wheel of fortune, the "King Wen Random Trigram Generator".

1 Heaven

1-1  1-2  1-3  1-4  1-5  1-6*  1-7  1-8

2 Earth

2-1  2-2  2-3  2-4  2-5  2-6  2-7  2-8

3 Thunder

3-1  3-2  3-3  3-4  3-5  3-6  3-7*  3-8

4 Wind

4-1  4-2  4-3*  4-4  4-5  4-6  4-7  4-8

5 Water

5-1  5-2  5-3  5-4  5-5  5-6  5-7  5-8

6 Fire  

6-1*  6-2  6-3  6-4  6-5  6-6  6-7  6-8

7 Mountain

7-1  7-2  7-3  7-4  7-5  7-6  7-7  7-8

8 Lake

8-1  8-2  8-3  8-4  8-5  8-6  8-7  8-8

last update: 09.07.2022


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