I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe

  Yi Jing, Oracle of the Moon


Duì-Lí, Lake-Fire
Lake    Fire

  What are the potential and qualities of this situation?
   Duì. Its image is the marsh, it is the source of the flow of water and the flow of persuasive words. It is the trigram of gaining fame and fortune, but only when ambition has no hold. One needs balance between one’s own wishes and the rules of right conduct.
  Dui means 'open' or 'to open'. The words of Duì are compelling, persuasive, they open the minds of others.
  Duì is the spirit of pure autumn, which is a good time for results but not for the start of something new. Like the autumn harvest time, Dui is contained within borders, it has limits. It has variable beginnings but a definite end. If you need to finish something, then do it now.

  What is the subject, intent or hope of your question?
 . It is the trigram of discernment and order, of searching for truth and meaning. Lí is separating or leaving, but also clinging, holding on to things. It is what light does: discerning things, seeing their differences and similarities. Both by recognizing and acknowleding them.
  Fire can easily be extinguished, buried under earth or water. To spread light and warmth it needs to be nourished. Attention, inspiration, order and truth will make it shine wide and spread its warmth, like the sun emerging from the clouds.
  Li makes the 'now' visible, the border between past and future. The moments of 'now' fly past like birds. You will have to catch them right now, to enjoy something when it happens, to seize an opportunity, to realize a flash of insight.
  But reckon with its timing, don't try to push two days into the space of one or it will burn you to ashes.

  What do you want or need to do, or what will fate cause to happen in this situation?
  When Duì meets Lí, Lake's persuasion and Fire's clarity bring the compromises that make everything run in harmony. Conflicting intentions are exchanged and clarified and then the time is ripe for innovation and the work to realize it. Thus, the seasons follow one another, differing and also in agreement and mutually necessary.
  It is the ability to change with times or visions, to find, follow or create the transitions from one situation to another, and to compromise and balance instead of fighting and dividing.

The initiative

Lake    Heaven
The top line (Heaven-line) shows the change of the focus or initiative.
六三变为乾, 乾为天, 名谓雨收泽竭, 天籁清虚, 人物从容, 众情多悦。
When the top line changes, Duì activates Qián. Qian is the sky, and this change describes rain gathering in a parched lake. The sounds of nature are refined and peaceful, all beings are calm and at rest, the feelings of the masses know many joys.

  Lake becomes the rain when it enters Heaven: blessings. One can gain fame and fortune, but blessings don't come free, one has to make an effort. It starts off as a satisfying creative time, but in the autumn everything depends on the work done in the spring.
  This bodes very well for inspiration and creation: acting on a hunch or vision, the decision to pursue or implement an idea or to start a business. It's also a good time to show results of what's been done so far, but no longer for work in between or for collecting resources.
  General: when a yang initiative joins the yin potential of surroundings or a time, its clear and strong ideas will stand out by their own merit. Yang can initiate the change that ensures that ideas and the work which has been done so far gain clarity and structure. This is a good time to develop visions and plans with creativity and enthusiasm. To put energy into your projects and to show them. Now you have the power to ward off evil or insecurity, a power that is part of yang.
  Yang brings inspiration and joy, but yang also means that you have to put in effort or money in what you aim for, it can drain your resources, but decisions can be made; progress or new ideas can be shown.

    The timing of this change of the initiative:
  The spring Marsh has the sweetness of growing sprouts,
  The summer Marsh has the profit of steadily raising,
  The autumn Marsh has the hope of harvest,
  The winter Marsh has the suffering of freezing cold.

The subject

Lake    Fire
The bottom line (Earth-line) shows the change of the field or subject.

  The bottom line is stationary yang. This line is the subject, or the ‘field’ where you pour in or find both the cause and the means for your initiative: space, material, helpers or other people, even food for thought. It is the line of the earth, of resources and realization. It is a 'receiving' line, the earth needs food to develop things.
  Here she is yang, she does not absorb or concretize, she is giving. Things look interesting and bright and give back. What you want to achieve inspires you, but take care not to deplete resources. Things will gain clarity but it is not yet a time of concrete results.
  Yang at the bottom line brings balance between yin and yang. Its light penetrates the undefined power of the earth-line, it inspires yin to make its imaginings grow, and it gives each creature or plan or venture its rightful structure.

Enjoy the now and its possibilities.

The Outcome

Lake    Thunder
九二变震, 震为雷, 名谓雨泽加雷, 动威致润,
启悴发枯, 六合荣和, 物皆秀丽, 森森仁恩,
天泽滂沛, 小往大来, 斯为至贵。
When the second line changes it activates Zhen. Zhen is the thunder; and this describes rain with thunder: movement that inspires awe and brings moisture.
It dispels dryness and withering. The world is happy and in harmony. All things are beautiful; charity and goodness abound like the trees of a dense forest.
The rainwater flows freely, the small goes and the big comes, thus wealth is attained.

  When Dui activates Zhen, yang's stubbornness dissolves. Thinking is not always the best way, quick or unexpected actions or turns often bring the creative discovery or solution. Without the shocks of Thunder with their germinating power, society would petrify amidst all its known and safe roads. The new and young and unexpected keep it alive.
  General: When yang meets yin, its shine will decrease, but now things will proceed in a more tangible way. Resources will be used to create concrete results. Things change from giving to absorbing, from ideas and inspiration to processing, from overviewing to being part of the work. And if there are problems, a decrease can be what you need.
  It can also mean that it is time to pass the reins to your guts and intuition instead of your head.

  The timing of this change of the outcome:
  春而得此,生荣万物; 夏而得此, 长养随宜; 秋而得此, 岁功乐成; 冬而得, 却非所宜, 雷声陷伏, 号令收藏, 安可出外, 若出谓之非时, 恐致灾皆。
  When it is spring and this is obtained, then life is glorious to all beings.
  When it is summer and this is obtained, then everything grows effortlessly as if by itself.
  When it is autumn and this is obtained, the annual harvest is a success.
  When it is winter and this is obtained, it is not the appropriate time. The sound of thunder is trapped and hidden; its orders are put on hold. How then could peace come out? If this inadequacy manifests, there will be fear and disaster.

Overview of the lines.
Activating (when the second is different) or stationary (when they are similar

  A Yang line is generally bright and giving. Yang is great for enthusiasm and spreading joy or success, but don’t expect solid results.
  A Yin line generally does the work. Yin absorbs and converts resources into tangible results. It brings peace and a sense of security.

  The initiative (top line or Heaven line) is the intention or focus. Your ideas, plans, or what you want, or something that happens and you want to influence it or use its possibilities.
  In this answer the line is activated Yin: this is a good time to work on ideas. Usually, yin at the top is very positive and creative, there is balance between yang and yin, ideas and their possibilities can become reality.

  The subject (bottom line or Earth line) is the 'reality' of your question or the ‘field’ of action. A situation or person, resources, materials, facts.
  In this answer the line is stationary Yang: the subject is clear and generous and responds to the initiative. Usually yang at the bottom is positive, there is balance between yang and yin.

  The outcome (middle line or Man Line) is what you or others or fate cause to happen 'between Heaven and Earth'. It is the outcome of this question. It can be physical or mental or both. If this is a yes/no question, then yang means yes, yin means no. Both can be good or bad, depending on the question.
  In this answer the line is activated Yin: Yin: A good line for concrete results. More work is needed, but your dedication is not in vain. For now, it will reduce the 'shine' because it focuses on creating, on growing something of quality, not on the result itself.

  Each line, active or at rest, summons one of the 8 trigrams as a Helper. For an activated line: telling you what you need - or about a problem area or something to avoid.
  For a stationary line: this is what you already have or do or what you don't need. Often we just need a reminder of our abilities. Or it could be what you wish or fear - but will not happen.
  Active lines are the helpers to change things. Stationary helpers are part of the core meaning, they are your soul talking. They reinforce the overall power of a reading.
  Advice for the initiative:Qian, Heaven, with his severe structure and his timing.
  Advice for the subject:Kan, Water, with his direction and focus, his courage to take risks and his talent to give things shape, is lacking here or not needed. Yang remains Yang.
  Advice for the outcome: Zhen, Thunder with his energy and stimulation and quick actions.

  This oracle is NOT according to the Neigua Chuwaili, a chapter of the Heluo Lishu, which is meant to be read and used in Chinese astrology. But I found beautiful texts about the trigrams in the Neigua Chuwaili and borrowed them for this trigram oracle. For those who are interested in the Heluo Lishu see the course by Harmen Mesker.
  Many translations from "Yijing astrologie" by Harmen Mesker (Dutch).
  For divining with trigrams, see the video by Tin Yat Dragon

last update: 08.01.2025


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