I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe

  Yi Jing, Oracle of the Moon

Kūn-Qián, Earth-Heaven

Earth    Earth

  When Kūn activates Qián, one gets many opportunities. Not free, it means you need a good heart and a strong character. Heaven does not listen to doubt or selfish intentions and the Earth has her own ways of punishment. But the one who has love and respect for both heaven and earth finds friendships and open roads that are closed to others.
  What you meet will have the quality of what you are, what you achieve will have the power of your mind, and joy or sadness depend on your own judgment. But with the help of Heaven, you can ask the Earth for assistance. In the spring of the year, of your life or your days you can celebrate her and make your hopes and wishes clear, and focus on them. Support her in summer and autumn to complete your ideals.

This is the short answer - click for the complete one.

The initiative

Earth    Mountain
The top line (Heaven-line) shows the change of the focus or initiative.
变上为艮也, 地起于山自下而上, 有积小成高之势。
  When the top line changes it activates Gen: the mountain. The earth rises at the mountain from below to above; it is the power of height (attainment) by accumulating small successes.
No boasting of good qualities, no boasting of merits; all people obey and enterprises flourish.

The subject

Earth     Thunder
The bottom line (Earth-line) shows the change of the field or subject.
变初六为震, 为雷, 雷出地中, 奋达疾速, 威声
三三远赫, 有寒木生春之意, 万汇咸亨, 品物流行, 发荣茂盛, 无适不宜。
 When the bottom line changes, Kun activates Zhen, thunder comes from the earth. It comes energetically and quickly. Its prestige extends far and wide.
  Earth with Thunder is a great tree that benefits others. It can grow by depleting the Earth, but by growing, everything else can benefit from it. It is like resistant trees, cold and bare in winter, but announcing spring early (metaphor for high moral integrity).
  Everything on earth is effortless, all living beings spread out, fame abounds. There is nothing that would not be appropriate.

The outcome

Earth     Water
The middle line (Man-line) shows the outcome.
  变六二为坎, 为水, 夫坤为致役,变坎为劳, 是地本平宁, 而忽为崎岖险峻, 任重不堪, 安中伏危之象。
下怀万邦, 上承天宠。
When the second six changes it activates Kan, the water. It begins with Kun, which activates battle (strategy and fight), and it changes into Kan which activates labor (work and input). It is the earth, by nature flat, which suddenly becomes rough and steep, as if it carries a heavy load that it cannot hold. It is the image of danger, hidden in the midst of calm.
  Down below he grants favors to all feudal states, up above he is granted the favor of heaven.


  The three helpers
  Each line, active or at rest, summons one of the 8 trigrams as a Helper.

  For an activated line: telling you what you need - or about a problem area or something to avoid.
  For a stationary line: this is what you already have or do or what you don't need. Often we just need a reminder of our abilities. Or it could be what you wish or fear - but will not happen.
  Active lines are the helpers to change things, they listen to intentions, which can come from you, surroundings, or fate. Stationary helpers are part of the core meaning, they are your soul talking, but they also see the impossibilities. They reinforce the overall power of a reading.

  Advice or help for the initiative: Gen, Mountain with his constancy, his ability to make things endure.
  Advice or help for the subject: Zhen, Thunder with his energy and stimulation and quick actions.
  Advice or help for the outcome: Kan, Water, with his direction and focus, his courage to take risks and his talent to give things shape.
  But when things are not satisfying, it might be that one or more helpers don't help enough - or try too hard. Or maybe you don't listen carefully enough.

  When all lines change, the trigram changes to its complementary trigram.
  Yang on its own is giving, bright, assertive and strong and has no trouble inspiring others. But it is prone to deplete itself, it is relentless. When yin meets yang, he shows her work to everyone.
  In this change, all levels find this counterpart of yang. Things change from absorbing to shining, from tangible reality with its limits to infinite possibilities. You can now show the results you got.

last update: 07.02.2023


© LiSe April 2000