I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe

  Yi Jing, Oracle of the Moon

Qián-Lí, Heaven-Fire

trigram Heaven    Fire

  What are the potential and qualities of this situation?
   Qian's Qi is powerful and energetic; it refers to wealth and glory, leadership and taking charge. The laws of Heaven give life its power, endurance and creativity. Qián provides the substrate that gives all things structure and meaning. Qian deals with the mental or intangible.
  Heaven regulates the time and following it gives you the right timing. Look up at the North pole and you will see the entire cosmos turning around it, everything moves according to Heaven's law. A person, team or venture with Heaven can reason and judge well and they are known for their strong, powerful appearance.
  天命 tiānmìng, mandate of heaven; destiny; fate; one's life span.
  乾元 qiányuán beginning of creation.

  What is the subject, intent or hope of your question?
   . It is the trigram of discernment and order, of searching for truth and meaning. Lí is separating or leaving, but also clinging, holding on to things. It is what light does: discerning things, seeing their differences and similarities. Both by recognizing and acknowleding them.
  Fire can easily be extinguished, buried under earth or water. To spread light and warmth it needs to be nourished. Attention, inspiration, order and truth will make it shine wide and spread its warmth, like the sun emerging from the clouds.
  Li makes the 'now' visible, the border between past and future. The moments of 'now' fly past like birds. You will have to catch them right now, to enjoy something when it happens, to seize an opportunity, to realize a flash of insight.
  But reckon with its timing, don't try to push two days into the space of one or it will burn you to ashes.

  What do you want or need to do, or what will fate cause to happen in this situation?
  When Qián activates Lí, the sun descends in the sky, the shadows lengthen. People become anxious, the differences between friend and foe, hunter or prey become more important. For many it is not safe, so they hide who they are, or create a group of peers: security in numbers.
  All creatures and objects need classes, otherwise the world will become chaos. It is the warp and weft of society, both protection and danger.

The initiative

trigram Heaven    Fire
The top line (Heaven-line) shows the change of the focus or initiative.

   The top line is stationary yang. A yang initiative, entering a yang world, fits right in. Both clear and inspiring, full of plans. Even when other things change, you will remain giving, pouring ideas, efforts or money into this situation. Yang brings and spreads creativity and ideas with a good basic structure, It is the master of good timing and planning, but not of finding a final solution or concrete results.
  Stay within limits, Yang is also prone to deplete itself. It is relentless, and it can focus so intensely on mental images that they can turn into air castles or delusions. Yin is necessary for concrete results but not before the planning is right, too early can be disastrous, no matter the quality of your ideas or how determined you are.

Yang has the talent to enjoy the road
before reaching any destination.

The subject

Heaven     Fire
The bottom line (Earth-line) shows the change of the field or subject.

  The bottom line is stationary yang. This line is the subject, or the ‘field’ where you pour in or find both the cause and the means for your initiative: space, material, helpers or other people, even food for thought. It is the line of the earth, of resources and realization. It is a 'receiving' line, the earth needs food to develop things.
  Here she is yang, she does not absorb or concretize, she is giving. Things look interesting and bright and give back. What you want to achieve inspires you, but take care not to deplete resources. Things will gain clarity but it is not yet a time of concrete results.
  Yang at the bottom line brings balance between yin and yang. Its light penetrates the undefined power of the earth-line, it inspires yin to make its imaginings grow, and it gives each creature or plan or venture its rightful structure.

Enjoy the now and its possibilities.

The outcome

Heaven     Fire
The middle line (Man-line) shows the outcome.
  变九二为离为火。 离为火为日, 吐焰发耀, 光照天下, 太阳之三三 象,
长育之君, 万象贤明, 百物附丽。
  The change of the middle yang line activates Li, which is fire and the sun, spewing flames and brightly radiant; its rays illuminate everything under the sky, its image is repeated eminent yang.
  It is the ruler who brings greatness. The source of life and clarity for everything on Earth, all beings bind themselves to it.

  When Li enters a time of Qian, the outcome will need more work before you can show anything. Fire brings light, but she is the messenger of Heaven's laws and structures. Heaven is strict, so Fire also demands that everything is organized and clear and concrete, reflecting the light. Rightly so, without order the world would turn into chaos. Creatures need to recognize each other, friend or enemy, kin or stranger, hunter or prey.

  General: When yang meets yin, its shine will decrease, but now things will proceed in a more tangible way. Resources will be used to create concrete results. Things change from giving to absorbing, from ideas and inspiration to processing, from overviewing to being part of the work. And if there are problems, a decrease can be what you need.
  It can also mean that it is time to pass the reins to your guts and intuition instead of your head.

  The timing of this change of the outcome:
  春天无日, 阴雨连绵, 物难发生,荣中有辱。
  夏天无日, 暗晦阴暝, 火势消灭, 物难长养, 一暴十寒, 凶荒必致。
  秋冬遇此, 愈加速遭, 雨雪连连, 类多愁嗟。
  When there is no sun in the spring, there is a lot of rain and it is difficult for life to manifest itself. In the midst of fame is shame.
  When there is no sun in summer, it is dark as night; the fire dies out and what lives can hardly be nourished and grow large, it goes in fits and starts. There will be lean years.
  If this happens in the fall or winter, progress is even more difficult; rain and snow fall continuously. The people sigh and are worried.

Overview of the lines.
Activating (when the second is different) or stationary (when they are similar

  A Yang line is generally bright and giving. Yang is great for enthusiasm and spreading joy or success, but don’t expect solid results.
  A Yin line generally does the work. Yin absorbs and converts resources into tangible results. It brings peace and a sense of security.

  The initiative (top line or Heaven line) is the intention or focus. Your ideas, plans, or what you want, or something that happens and you want to influence it or use its possibilities.
  In this answer the line is stationary Yang: the initiative is clear and strong, this is a good time to develop visions and plans, pouring in creativity, efforts and enthusiasm.
  In this answer the line is activated Yin: this is a good time to work on ideas. Usually, yin at the top is very positive and creative, there is balance between yang and yin, ideas and their possibilities can become reality.

  The subject (bottom line or Earth line) is the 'reality' of your question or the ‘field’ of action. A situation or person, resources, materials, facts.
  In this answer the line is stationary Yang: the subject is clear and generous and responds to the initiative. Usually yang at the bottom is positive, there is balance between yang and yin.
  In this answer the line is activated Yin: it is too early for clear results; more work is needed. This line is the most difficult to influence, she is careful and follows her own creativity and decisions, but she is the one who turns resources into concrete results.

  The outcome (middle line or Man Line) is what you or others or fate cause to happen 'between Heaven and Earth'. It is the outcome of this question. It can be physical or mental or both. If this is a yes/no question, then yang means yes, yin means no. Both can be good or bad, depending on the question.
  In this answer the line is stationary Yang: if you need increase, this is a great line. Your efforts will show results. Occasionally not of the concrete kind, but joy and satisfaction are valuable as well.
In this answer the line is activated Yin: Yin: A good line for concrete results. More work is needed, but your dedication is not in vain. For now, it will reduce the 'shine' because it focuses on creating, on growing something of quality, not on the result itself.

  Each line, active or at rest, summons one of the 8 trigrams as a Helper. For an activated line: telling you what you need - or about a problem area or something to avoid.
  For a stationary line: this is what you already have or do or what you don't need. Often we just need a reminder of our abilities. Or it could be what you wish or fear - but will not happen.
  Active lines are the helpers to change things. Stationary helpers are part of the core meaning, they are your soul talking. They reinforce the overall power of a reading.
  Advice for the initiative: Dui, Lake, with her ability to resonate and persuade., is lacking here or not needed. Yang remains Yang.
  Advice for the subject: Xun, Wind, with her power to choose and influence, is lacking here or not needed. Yang remains Yang.
  Advice for the outcome: Li, Fire, with her power to discern and create order.
  But when things are not satisfying, it might be that one or more helpers don't help enough - or try too hard. Or maybe you don't listen carefully enough.

  This oracle is NOT according to the Neigua Chuwaili, a chapter of the Heluo Lishu, which is meant to be read and used in Chinese astrology. But I found beautiful texts about the trigrams in the Neigua Chuwaili and borrowed them for this trigram oracle. For those who are interested in the Heluo Lishu see the course by Harmen Mesker.
  Many translations from "Yijing astrologie" by Harmen Mesker (Dutch).
  For divining with trigrams, see the video by Tin Yat Dragon

last update: 08.01.2025


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