I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe

  Yi Jing, Oracle of the Moon

Guà Jìng - Yáo Ying

Hexagram Reflections - Line Mirrors

1.1 and 1.6 are each other's qianyao, like a reflection in water. In the reflection the bottom line is at the top.

The qianyao shows different actions in a similar landscape.

Every hexagram has it's reflection, its qian gua. Usually it is the one it is paired with, except those which look identical when they are turned upside down. The reflection of hex.3 is hex.4, but the reflection of hex.1 is hex.1.
There is still a difference, line 1 is in the reflection line 6, 2 is 5, 3 is 4. So hex.1 upside down is not completely identical to hex.1 upright.

  1.1 has a connection with 1.6, because when hex.1 is turned upside down line 1 becomes line 6 and vv. It is a structure which has been built into the Yi. Every hexagram is paired with its upside-down-reflection hexagram (its qian gua), except those which show no change. It is not because they don't have a qiangua, but because there is no visible difference.
  Hex.1.1 is at the bottom, does not come out if the time is not yet right, because it follows Heaven's laws.
Hex.1.6 is at the top and is in danger of becoming arrogant by not following Heaven's laws.
The two lines are in similar landscapes, but one with its instincts (lowest line), the other with its mind (top line).

 1.1 yang Hidden dragon. Do not act.
 Not doing anything when it is not (yet) the right time.
 44.1 yin Attached to a metal chock. Determination auspicious. To proceed probing sees a pitfall. An entangled pig will surely limp.
 Absolutely refraining from what should not (yet) be done.


 1.6 Arrogant dragon will have cause to repent.
 Don't force others. Know your place.
1.6 and 43.6 are each other's fanyao. Seeing a situation from two sides.

 43.6 No cry. In the end misfortune.

 Make your intentions clear and if necessary involve others.

Opposite or complementary: all yang lines in the mirrors 1.1 and 1.6 are yin lines in mirrors 2.1 and 2.6

Mirror groupings 1.1 and 2.1 are complementary

This Mirror grouping 01.1 is about living by the right codes for actions.
Mirror grouping 02.1 is about living from out your own true base for actions and mind.
Both: an action is good when its laws and foundations are right.

How I found the Mirrors and how they work

last update: 27.07.2022


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