I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe

  Yi Jing, Oracle of the Moon


Guà Jìng - Yáo Ying

Hexagram Mirrors - Line Reflections
(line pathways)

Mirror group 59.1-61.1-60.6-61.6

About finding the balance in a situation

  59.1 yin: Benefit of the force of a gelding. Auspicious.
  Make (the right) use of nature's powers


  61.1 yang: The white tiger: auspicious. When there is a snake, there are no swallows.
  Make use of nature's signs

Lines 59.1 and 61.1 are each others fanyao, like views on the same landscape but from a different side, Water-Lake and vv. Asking for different actions.

  60.6 yin: Bitter restraint, determination pitfall. Regret disappears.
  Severe restraint does not align with nature/spirits/gods


  61.6 yang: A drawn-out sound ascends to heaven. Determination pitfall.
  No restraint causes regret

Lines 60.6 and 61.6 are each others fanyao, like views on the same landscape but from a different side, Water-Wind and vv. Asking for different actions.

Lines 59.1 and 60.6 and also 61.1 and 61.6 are each others qianyao (upside-down). Here are similar actions but in different landscapes (complementary contexts).
What was up, outside or mental, is now down, inside or physical.

Mirror groups 59.1-61.1 and 55.1-62.1 are contrasts
(all yang lines of Mirror 59.1 are yin lines in Mirror 55.1 and vv)
Mirror 59.1 is about making use of what the situations offers
Mirror 55.1 is about strategy
Both are about making actions fit in the situation, 59 using the right means, 55 creating the right result

Explanations: How I found the Mirrors and how they work


last update: 27.07.2022


© LiSe April 2000-2020