I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe

  Yi Jing, Oracle of the Moon

Guà Jìng - Yáo Ying

Hexagram Mirrors - Line Reflections
(line pathways)

The mirror of 28.1-28.6-43.1-44.6

About doing it all in the right way

  28.1: For the offering mat use white cogon grass (Mao-grass). Without fault.
  Ponder about the right means (strategy) for an action


  43.1: Vigor in the advancing toes. Not mastering proceeding one causes distress
  Ponder about the right measure of an action (not impulsive or impatient)


  28.6: Crossing at the wading place and drowning. Pitfall. Without fault.
  Things can go wrong even when you do it all right.


  44.6: Encountering (with) one's horn. Distress. Without fault.
  Use your right action even when others disagree

Mirror groupings 28.1 and 23.1 are contrasts

(all yang lines of Mirror 28.1 are yin lines in Mirror 23.1 and vv)

Mirror 28.1 is about doing it all in the right way
Mirror 23.1 is about finding your path (without a map)

How I found the Mirrors and how they work

last update: 27.07.2022


© LiSe April 2000-2020