I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe

  Yi Jing, Oracle of the Moon

Guà Jìng - Yáo Ying

Hexagram Mirrors - Line Reflections
(line pathways)

The mirror of 13.1-14.6-33.1-34.6

About letting go preconceptions and accepting the rules of reality.

 13.1: Union of people at the gate. Without fault.
 Keep relations inconclusive until you know them well.


 14.6: From out Heaven blessed. Auspicious. Nothing that does not bear fruit.
 The individual needs Heaven, not other people. Let go of the need for approval and support.


 33.1: At the tail in retreat, danger. Do not proceed probing!
 Leave what is not right for you..


 34.6: The he-goat butts a fence. Not able to retreat, not able to push through. No ground for fruitfulness. Hardship is as a rule auspicious.
 Life teaches lessons, let go of your own ideas of how things ought to be.

The theme of this mirror:

Mirrors 13.1 and 7.1 are complementary

(all yang lines of Mirror 13.1 are yin lines in Mirror 7.6 and vv)

Mirror 13.1 is about letting go preconceptions and accepting the rules of reality.
Mirror 7.1 is about cooperation needing openness, freedom and clarity.

How I found the Mirrors and how they work

last update: 27.07.2022


© LiSe April 2000-2020