I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe

  Yi Jing, Oracle of the Moon

The image of hexagram 62
Xiăo Guò, small exceeding


trigram Mountain
  Hexagram 62 has trigram Gèn, Mountain, below or inside, Zhèn, Thunder, above or outside. Gèn is what is real and tangible or experienced as such. Thunder is the shock that starts a new time, a new period, a new life, or a new attitude towards life.

What does it mean, 'inner' and 'outer trigram' (popup)

When trigram Gèn is below (popup)
When trigram Zhèn is above (popup)

  Gèn below Zhèn: when one's way of living has only its own true reality as base, it is honest and true to itself. One's conscience will be at rest and others can rely on you. Both you and others know where you stand. But... it is also the ability to pull a poker face, to have your own thoughts and actions, but for others they seem behind a wall.

  The old diviners gave this combination of trigrams a name: Xiăo Guò. Small exceeding. It is about paying care to one's actions. Small errors can cause huge retribution, like the bird which flies up when disturbed, right into the net or the arrow of the hunter.

  Ideogram of the hexagram name: the first character, Xiăo, is three grains of rice or sand: small. The second character, Guò, is at right a skeleton above a mouth: distorted mouth or cleft palate, at left a foot with a footprint: stop or stay. Guò is the completion of an action, or that an action has taken place, but does not continue up to the present, like one wrong word which caused a war. Pass, go by, exceed, cross, transfer (e.g., ownership), undergo a process, surpass, exceed, celebrate, observe, fault, mistake, excessively, undue, overly. A very common use is for smaller violations in school or military.

Guo - exceed

There is an old bronze character which looks a lot like a winding road up to a mountain. Crossing a pass (cleft) in the mountains.


The 'Great Image' says: Above mountain is thunder, small exceeding. The noble one exceeds in respect in actions, exceeds in sorrow at funerals, exceeds in thrift at spending.


  Hex.62 is the contrast of 61, where one's nature expresses itself as it is.  Hex.62 is paying care to one's actions.
  Hex.62 is the 'inverse' of itself.

  The things you do are usually irreversible. So be careful. Especially in small matters, because in big things one is more aware of the risks and effects.
  Death is definitive, and also all the feelings involved, so give extra attention to the the small things that happen, and the feelings of everyone. The same with spending money, so be thrifty and careful. The impression one makes on others is also irreversible, so pay attention to behavior and aura.
  When misfortune hits, then meet it with respect.

last update: 24.08.2024


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