I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe

  Yi Jing, Oracle of the Moon

Hexagram 47

Kún, Enclosed tree

  Remember your garden! Life can be big and interesting or full of duties, but happiness dwells in a small and limited place, a secret garden. There the tree of life is growing. Never stay out of there too long.
  The tree of life grows only in the magic circle, the symbol of one-ness, and that is your garden. It is the only place where it can grow. The power of life comes from that tree.
  Prisons exist too, but they are not inside, they are outside the garden. You can be a prisoner of opinions, fears, guilt or duties. As soon as you enter the gate of your garden, you are no prisoner anymore, all is locked out.


  KUN: the picture is a tree 1, in an enclosure 2.  KUN: difficult; surround, hard-pressed; stranded, poor; hard-up, sleepy; tired. Cognate with 'tie, bind'.

The trigrams: Fire below Heaven:
A marsh without water: confined. A noble one incurs fate on fulfilling his aspiration.

More about hex.47 and 48

last update: 24.08.2024


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