I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe
What does it mean, 'inner' and 'outer trigram' (popup)
Qián below Duì: a strong inner sense of Heaven's law and structure within one's world. The one with these qualities cannot forget her ethics in joyous exchange or ignore the rules of life regarding health and natural cycles, she is severe and has an inner duty to follow and propagate this law.
The ideogram of the hexagram name is a penannular jade ring, held up by one or two hands. The guài symbolized authority, or cutting off a relationship. Guài or jué is also the name of an archer's thimble, which protects the thumb when releasing the string of a bow. Meanings: breakthrough, resolute, decisive, parted, to fork, certain, secret signs made with the fingers.
The Image says: The Marsh is above Heaven: resoluteness. The noble one gives a salary to those below, he stays in virtue and so aloof.
Hex.43 is the contrast of 23, which is about removing or pruning when necessary.
Hex.43 is proclaiming your opinion, letting people know about laws and structure.