I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe
What does it mean, 'inner' and 'outer trigram' (popup)
Kūn below Lí: when the nurturing power of Kūn assists Lí, great works can come into fruition. The Earth makes its reality possible, Fire pours it into a visible shape. It is the way a tiny seed of grass grows into a tiny tuft of green and branches out, and within a year there is a large patch of green grass. Find the seeds of what you would like to develop, and Jìn will assist you.
Ideogram of the hexagram name: at the top two arrows. At the bottom the sun, or a container to carry or support to present the arrows or an opening which they enter. It might be a graphic image of what the horses of Kang did: the stallion covering the mare many times. Two phalluses, one vulva. Jìn means: promote, name of a dynasty (265-420), progress, enter, inside, come into, suppress, lean down, upgrade, advance.
The 'Great Image' says:
Hex.35 is the contrast of 5, which is about waiting for what you need.
Hex.35 is about creating what you need (or just what you would like to make).