I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe
What does it mean, 'inner' and 'outer trigram' (popup)
Lake below Earth: an inner connection and openness to people, and to the outside the responsibility and nurturing care of Earth.
Ideogram of the hexagram name: above right is a standing person with (top left) a big eye. He bends over and looks down, so the eye is vertical. There are 'mouths' or 'things' beneath it: looking over your people and/or responsibilities and rituals. In the version above there are lines from the eye to the objects below.
Meanings: nearing, overseeing, be adjacent to, soaking (like marinading), approach, descending from a mountain, face, overlook, arrive, be present, copy (calligraphy/ painting), on the point of, just before, be about to, facing, mourning. Rituals and events like marriage and death especially need an overseer.
The 'Great Image' says: Above marsh there is earth, overseeing. The noble one teaches and ponders inexhaustibly, he tolerates and protects the people without limits.
Hex.19 is the contrast of 33, which is about withdrawing.
Hex.19 is very much present in its surroundings, responsible, looking around if everything is right, helping but also imbuing with admiration. An old meaning of Lin is coming down from the mountain.