I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe
What does it mean, 'inner' and 'outer'?
Mountain below Earth: you can bring in your individual value. But not by shoving others aside and displaying your ego, but by adding yourself and your talents to the whole. Earth does not invade or overrule, it accepts and puts to use, nurtures, helps things to grow, others but also yourself. But Earth also diminishes what is too much, or removes what needs to be gone. She can be harsh but always true.
Ideogram of the left part is the picture of sound from a mouth: words, talk, expressing yourself. The right part is interesting. A hand holds several stalks of grain toegether: have or involve several things or aspects at the same time, annexation, merger, all, two or more times, conjunction, a side-by-side relationship, modest.
So it is more than your own attitude, it involves the people or things around you.
The 'Great Image' says: In the earth is the mountain: Qian. The noble one reduces the many and augments the few. He evaluates things and bestows equalizing.
Hex.15 is the contrast of hex.10, walking your walk. In hex.15 you fill in what is missing, tone down what is too much, support what is too weak or small without selfishness.
It is what happens in nature. When one creature overrules the others, balance gets lost and in the end everyone suffers. But when humans, animals and plants co-exist and fill in every gap which needs to be filled, our planet thrives.
It is an art, expressing oneself and at the same time not offending the other in any way. Giving him his honor, respecting his views, giving
him the room to express himself too.
Unity means also to stay free of black-white thinking. When something is true, it should mean it is life sustaining, but anything “true” which excludes something else being true, is a sign you are talking of very temporal, short living truths. This is not scientific? Just take a good look at science.
Substituting the ‘words’ for ‘bird’ gives Jian, A mythical bird with one wing and one eye. Two of them could fly: the perfect cooperation.
Who has the gift of qian can fly to higher places than he would ever be able to reach on his own. Even more so in the realm of “truth".