I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe

  Yi Jing, Oracle of the Moon

Hexagram 15 and 16, teamspirit and inspiration.
(reckoning with others vv following your own vision)

16 YU,  weaving images

Hexagram 16Trigrams: earth thunder
Nuclear hex: 39
Inverse hex: 15
Reverse hex: 24
Complementary hex: 9


  The small characters at left: words or compounds with 4
(Top left the ancient way and bottom right the newer way to write this character.)
1 Mawangdui (eat-I) left-over, extra, surplus; remainder
2 (man image) portrait, image, resemble
3 (as-if weave-image) hesitate, be irresolute
4 (appear weave-image) phenomenon; appearance
5 (atmosphere image) prevailing spirit/atmosphere, climatic phenomenon
6 (image to-be) look as if, seem
7 (empty image) virtual image
8 (feel weave-image) imagine, fancy, visualize, imagination
bù xiànghuà (not image speech) unreasonable, shocking, ridiculous.
xiàngyànr (image manner child) presentable; decent.

Weaving images can be the excitement before a feast or of a group of tourist sightseeing, a person's appearance, or the lies of a fraud. Not the substance but an "extra", the Mawangdui character makes that very clear. An extra which makes life colorful.

Hex.16 is complementary (or opposite) to hex.9, the hexagram of diligently looking after your own farm, chicken, children, cores, duties - a big difference to the grand vision of 16, but a necessary part of life as well, hence complementary. In 16 you forget all duties for the time being. That can be a good or a bad thing, depending on the time and circumstances.

    Hexagram 16, Weaving Symbols or Passing on Images.
A symbol is a powerful image which connects human beings with each other and humanity with its sources. It connects the visible with the invisible, showing the meanings of the visible world.
Xiang, FE 5725, [M.2568], image, is a picture of an elephant, the biggest creature known to the ancient Chinese. Its meanings: elephant, ivory; magic spell, omen, portent, shape, figure, form, portrait, image, representation; diagram, pattern, model; create an image, phenomenon, the outward appearance of something, especially weather or heavenly bodies; act, play, imitate, to resemble; write, writing; law, rule; stars and constellations.

    A symbol explains the base of important features of life to the imagination. Through symbols one can be part of the spirit of life. They are so deep embedded in the soul of humanity that they bridge all individual or racial differences. In different cultures symbols are often described or painted looking very different, but they have similar meanings, despite their different looks.

    To pass on images is called symbolic participation. The music and dancing of the ancient kings was sharing the spirit of life by sharing symbols. Honoring virtue: telling the stories of great deeds, together participating in courage, insight, greatness of mind. Small personal ego’s did not exist, an ‘union mystique’ was created, everyone was part of one greater mind, which gives a liberation, compassion and joy far exceeding everyday freedom, contact or pleasure. It is a compelling experience, this is the purpose of all religions.

And for everyday use:
    Inspiration and motivation are the colors of everything one does. Without them existence is gray. A duty is a heavy task, but with motivation you don't feel any heaviness. Inspiration can make a simple life to a rich one full of joy.
    If you lack motivation, then try to find it. Being open and curious, as well as exchanging with others opens doors to new ideas or to recognition of your skills, giving them more color, for yourself as well. Maybe you will even discover abilities or interesting fields you never knew existed.
    Don't forget your sound criticism though in the process. Many inspiring things turn out to be fake or damaging. Or they are too big to handle and overwhelm your life.
    Make sure you can handle the elephant before you lodge him in your house.

last update: 24.08.2024


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