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Life needs a center, a temple

'The king approaches his temple’, in the image of hex.45 and 59, and ’The king approaches his family’ hex.37.5, ’The king approaches it’, in the image of 55.

Mythology is the structure of life. When someone has no sense of mythology, he is lost, he cannot find his place in the world.
To create a temple, a numinous center of life, will give every member of the community a sense of being real, of being part of an existing whole. Every community needs a center, and every individual also needs a center, in order to have a life, to be meaningful.
In hex.45, where the cohesion of a group is dependant of a central figure or idea, the king creates (imagines) a temple. In hex.59 the community or the soul is in danger of flooding, so there also a holy center is needed. In hex.37.5 the family becomes a whole by creating a center. In this case it is a person, or a part of the mental makeup, which ‘imagines’ the temple. In hex.55 the king does not create a temple, but he gives meaning to ideas. In order to inspire others or oneself, one has to find inspiration: the numinous-ness of an idea.

jia3 adj. false; fake; phony; artificial; [law] conditional; tentative; verb. borrow; avail of; conj. if; supposing. Jià n. holiday; vacation; leave of absence; furlough.
Right part, Wang Hongyuan p.105: Two hands obtaining ore from a quarry, ancient form of jia.
Karlgren 33c: false, simulate, borrow. Loan for great, go to, felicity, distant.
[M599]: false, unreal, to pretend; to borrow, supposing, if, to avail of; to bestow, to grant; great; leave of absence; to draw near to; excellent.
FE216: false, not real, phony, artificial, fake, bogus, slam; supposing, if; to borrow, to avail oneself of.

Eliade ‘The myth of the eternal return’, p.6:
In Iranian cosmology of the Zarvatinic tradition, “every terrestrial phenomenon, whether abstract or concrete, corresponds to a celestial, transcendent invisible term, to an ‘idea’ in the Platonic sense. Each thing, each notion presents itself under a double aspect: that of menok and that of getik. There is a visible sky: hence there is also a menok sky which is invisible. Our earth corresponds to a celestial earth. Each virtue practiced here below, in the getah, has a celestial counterpart which represents true reality. .. The year, prayer, .. in short, whatever is manifested in the getah, is at the same time menok. The creation is simply duplicated. From the cosmogonic point of view the cosmic stage called menok precedes the stage getik.”
The temple in particular–pre-eminently the sacred place–had a celestial prototype.
The very ancient conception of the temple as the imago mundi, the idea that the sanctuary reproduces the universe in its essence..