Trigram Dùi, open, the ability to make contact and to connect, to share feelings and knowledge. Attribute: Marsh or Lake.

  Dùi means ‘open’ or ‘loose’. It can be literal: the cart 'losing' its axle strap. As part of a hexagram it means opening up to others, to exchange, to interact, to relax together. As ‘marsh’ it is the breeding ground for all species, for all connections, for love and  hate, joy and disappointment, for storytelling and magic.

  When Lake is below or inside, it has to do with your inner conversations. Are you easy and relaxed when in standby, or worried by default?  It will show to the outside as a positive or a negative attitude, the half full or half empty glass. Lake is also social interaction, the need to be part of a whole, to not be alone, and to build a strong community together.
Dui is not always about the socitey 'out there', it can also be about your own inner whole. Keep it in balance, treat yourself in a nice way, open up what you feel you keep back (or keeps you back) or what you feel you miss.

  An inner excess of Lake can cause depression or superficiality or a burnout, due to an inability to find your rhythm or your own meaning of life, or of an inability to trust there actually is a meaning. Your soul may seem empty, but even when you don't see what is inside, it still contains a meaning. Faith (in yourself, another, god, spirits, an ideal) can make you trust this.