Trigram Kan, the strength and danger of what has no form. Attribute: Water.

  Kan's essential character is streaming. Moving to an unknown future is scary and dangerous, but it is also comforting, thanks to water a hurt will move into the past. Water stands for fears, insecurities and risks.

  It is also the power to give a shape to things you can only guess, or which start to come into being. It is the power of the soul with its unfathomable stuff you cannot imagine with your conscious brain. It is the huge resource in the depth of clear slaking water. Closing it off can be a larger risk than to let it come to the surface or to let it sweep you along through rapids and gorges.

  Water is very strong but follows every crack and dip of the earth. Its speed can make it jump over obstacles or even remove them, but its calm way is to rise until the obstacle is no obstacle anymore. It doesn't try to define a goal, the Way of Water is to follow the directions of Heaven and the space of Earth and to let them decide about the path. Water can help you find your destination by accepting its flow. In the form of rain it stands for intuition, as mist for fear, loneliness or vague hunches, clouds can obscure or disclose your insight or feelings. The moon means emotions, love, a woman, appearances and cycles.

  Water below can make you empathic or romantic, because you can mentally enter the shape of the other. It opens feelings, can make you dreamy or adventurous. It gives the opportunity to find your true road and destiny if you listen to your heart and face your insecurities and fears. Its greatest power and freedom is the ability to let go. Water opens the door ajar to your subconscious but also to the hearts of other creatures.

  When inner Water is out of balance, it can make you doubt yourself and turn you into a victim of fears. It can make you lose motivation and joy and cause depression. It can bring misplaced sentimentality. It makes your reactions too strong, too weak or irrational. It can be very dangerous.