Hexagram 27
Trigrams: inside thunder
(Voice), outside mountain (Individual)
cheeks and kneeling man with animal’s head |
The master says:
The master says: When you see
hexagram 1, the sun that is making warm the wet of the condens of the night,
there makes this the oxygen we can breathe and live the days. It is the saying
yang. The wet is taking off on the leaves of the trees and on
the leaves what grows and makes this oxygen.
Now we have hexagram 27. It has connections with this yang named as the first
saying of the reason from the being on earth of the man as yang. The oxygen of
the 1st hexagram is the most essential food to be alive. Nr.27 is the
same saying in the lower vibration. It is to take the material food in the body.
Is done by mouth and cheeks. Also this must be health and so it is with the
words who go out the mouth and which words the mouth let go in. To stay is real
health, that what go in may only be the tao it means the way, the true and the
life. Words who come and has not this in it, the cheeks close. The other half of
the hexagram is a man with a dog’s head. In the first announcement of yang in
hexagram 1 we concluded that only yin is earth and energy. We concluded too that
yang has no material existence, it is going to happen in the universe that makes
the earth turns and there is day and night on earth and that makes the places
where thee changing from warm in sun and
more cold in night makes the dew on the leaves. It is called yang and
this means also man. In man is in this only a part of this universe and this
turning from the earth. This makes that man only exist out a vibration. It is
the tao that gives on what is the real vibration that makes the man even on God
and that he gives is surrounding the health. And the stay young in their heart.
The dog’s head means “don’t make the mistake that the man is a material
existence”. He is only a vibration and the dog comes the most near to feel and
to live out this vibration. It means the yang as matery
has only a duty and not an existence. The dog’s head says in full power
“Duty”. Duty to give off tao vibrations and no more than that.
Created 30-10-01 by Anton Heyboer