Hexagram 14
inside heaven: law. Outside fire: form. The life, in this I mean every
person, has two parts, so a person has in essention two lives. You can make a
choice which of the two you shall live, but mostly your emotions drive you to
one of the two. There is a life that is total controlled by the hormones that
has also to make with ages. We speak now about young persons, were driven by
their emotions to the hormonal part of the two persons you are. It is not
necessary that the age give on, but because there are, in the East, there are
young people from let’s say 6 years, who already knows they have to make a
choice, and they can also at that age step out the hormone life and step in the
spiritual life and that is - the rules of that life comes not by itself. A
master has to tell you what this means because the sexual emotions, when you
take those away out the life, then there comes a big emptiness where I live for.
The nothing that comes now is, in the Zen thinking, is God but when you are in
this spiritual part and you go in that absolute, it is more often the way the
man goes. This has to do with his X and Y chromosomes, he can those two parts
let give him paradoxal thinking on the reality. That makes that he can leave the
world and the woman is still there, but she is there as a duty for the man, to
touch her serotonine and with his building up in himself his Qi power. This is
power that comes out the brains where also in those brains the sexual existence
stay existing but on the highest level of the spirit. They call it holy spirit
and from out that he touched the woman, more deep than her sexual existence in
this life, in her serotonine base and then the world falls away and there comes
a new world, a psychogeen world that is a world where the material thinking
cannot enter in, and there the man is for the woman a blessing because there is
not longer a to be yang or going to be old. It stays in a very young feelings of
to be back in the paradise and a man and a woman who are there together, they
are not to be different because the sexuality makes them different and in the
paradox there is no sexuality, but there is that duty of the man to touch the
woman the whole day in her basic erotic feelings, in her serotonine from out
where the white blood cells are made and they are the protection from the woman
for her health in flesh and in spirit. |