I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe

  Yi Jing, Oracle of the Moon

Duì-Xùn, Lake-Wind
Lake    Wind

  When Dui becomes Xùn your position in relation to others will change. Move with it, don't resist it, but find a way to adapt your life to this new space. Some things will be lost, but every change also brings unexpected opportunities and joys. There is no point in regretting, as time changes, you discover new ways. Use them as best you can.

This is the short answer - click for the complete one.

The initiative

Lake    Heaven
The top line (Heaven-line) shows the change of the focus or initiative.
六三变为乾, 乾为天, 名谓雨收泽竭, 天籁清虚, 人物从容, 众情多悦。
When the top line changes, Duì activates Qián. Qian is the sky, and this change describes rain gathering in a parched lake. The sounds of nature are refined and peaceful, all beings are calm and at rest, the feelings of the masses know many joys.

  Lake becomes the rain when it enters Heaven: blessings. One can gain fame and fortune, but blessings don't come free, one has to make an effort. It starts off as a satisfying creative time, but in the autumn everything depends on the work done in the spring.
  This bodes very well for inspiration and creation: acting on a hunch or vision, the decision to pursue or implement an idea or to start a business. It's also a good time to show results of what's been done so far, but no longer for work in between or for collecting resources.
  General: when a yang initiative joins the yin potential of surroundings or a time, its clear and strong ideas will stand out by their own merit. Yang can initiate the change that ensures that ideas and the work which has been done so far gain clarity and structure. This is a good time to develop visions and plans with creativity and enthusiasm. To put energy into your projects and to show them. Now you have the power to ward off evil or insecurity, a power that is part of yang.
  Yang brings inspiration and joy, but yang also means that you have to put in effort or money in what you aim for, it can drain your resources, but decisions can be made; progress or new ideas can be shown.

    The timing of this change of the initiative:
  春得熙和, 物物欣荣巧丽, 人多繁饰, 杰出群伦,自然称意。
  夏秋得此象者, 上仰青天, 雨泽不施, 水干流竭, 无丰多歉, 饥便怨望, 自多伤折。
  冬得此象, 寒凝少作, 岁内丰稔, 人亦富饶, 自然亨泰也。
  In the spring obtained this means happiness and harmony; everything thrives. The people are beautifully and exuberantly decorated. An equal group of exceptional people who spontaneously esteem each other.
  A person who gets this image in summer or autumn lifts his head to the blue sky, no rain in the swamps, the water stream in the treetrunks has dried up. There is no abundance and much regret; there is hunger causing resentment, which creates envy and certainly distress or loss of money.
  When winter takes on this image, the cold is freezing and little can be done. The year has provided a good harvest and the people have plenty, the natural world is favorable and at peace.

The subject

Lake    Water
The bottom line (Earth-line) shows the change of the field or subject.
初九变为坎, 坎为三三水, 名谓积水而成, 坎陷天泽, 交施于坎水, 川流盈溢, 所至俱宜, 物物得利。
  When the bottom line of Dui changes it activates Kan, a pit that collects water. It is called accumulated water and also achievement. Kan is a hole that catches the rainwater (also the emperor's favor) and together with the moving water of Kan the flow of rivers is abundant. The result is as it should be, everything benefits.

  When Dui changes to Kan, yang's stubbornness dissolves and its insecurity and its tendancy to depression take over. Now the benefit of Water's intuition and relentlessness becomes clear. Even in dire situations, Water never stops searching for a way out. He is an excellent fighter, fast and cunning. He needs to be free, he is the protector of all living creatures.
  General: What you ask about is yin. It aligns with the Earth-line, but the potential in these surroundings or this time is yang. You want (or will) come closer to concrete realizations, but problems also become real. All this is not really easy amidst yang. Yang can be overbearing, through influence or force, so you need to hold on to what you really want, and yet not to force anything.
  Examine when the work can proceed and when it must be held back. Who can participate in your project and who would hinder it. Your project absorbs more energy and resources, and these should be used wisely. Listen to the Earth.

    The timing of this change of the subject:
  夏得此象, 长养有功, 荣舒万汇, 人生多遇, 不苛不贪, 富则金帛盈室, 贵则宗庙之卫。
  秋得此象, 水泽交加, 禾穗双成, 人生值此, 得民之情, 庆流后裔。
  冬得此象, 水泽相交, 民物空虚, 兹非广惠。
  When spring receives this image the rain falls lavishly, everything grows abundantly; fame and wealth can be expected. This person stands out above the crowd.
  If summer gets this image it means merit through nurturing, raising. His fame reaches the whole world. He achieves much in his life, is meticulous and not greedy; his wealth fills the whole room, his prestige protects the government.
  When autumn takes on this image water and rain act together; the ears of grains grow in double quantity. This person will experience this in his life; he receives the affection of the people and can rejoice in a long line of offspring.
  When winter receives this image, water and rain mingle; the people and things are unreal. At this time one does not spread benevolence.

The Outcome

Lake    Wind

  The middle line shows the result. It is stationary yang, there will not be any increase or decrease, but still action and output. Yang is inspiring, but it is too early to expect concrete results. The middle line is the 'man' line, it can also be about you yourself, not only what you do.
  If this project does not need a concrete solution, yang can be very positive. It will continue to inspire and bring joy and brightness. Even if it stays unsubstantial in a material sense, it can improve the lives of people, like movies, holidays, love or a guiding star. But stay within limits, yang brings increase, but without yin it is prone to deplete itself, it is relentless and tends to be too cold or to strive too much. Plans may be too theoretical or even illusionary. If you are aware of this and rein it in, yang brings the joy of inspiration, plans, and visions.

Inspire yourself and your surroundings.


  The three helpers
  Each line, active or at rest, summons one of the 8 trigrams as a Helper.

  For an activated line: telling you what you need - or about a problem area or something to avoid.
  For a stationary line: this is what you already have or do or what you don't need. Often we just need a reminder of our abilities. Or it could be what you wish or fear - but will not happen.
  Active lines are the helpers to change things, they listen to intentions, which can come from you, surroundings, or fate. Stationary helpers are part of the core meaning, they are your soul talking, but they also see the impossibilities. They reinforce the overall power of a reading.

  Advice or help for the initiative:Qian, Heaven, with his severe structure and his timing.
  Advice or help for the subject:Kan, Water, with his direction and focus, his courage to take risks and his talent to give things shape
  Advice or help for the outcome: Zhen, Thunder with his energy and stimulation and quick actions.

last update: 18.11.2022


© LiSe April 2000