I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi
"Oracle of the moon": © 2000 LiSe

  Yi Jing, Oracle of the Moon

Xùn-Kăn, Wind/Wood-Water
trigram Wind    Water

  When Wind meets Water they form a force that man cannot change. Both trigrams have a relentless movement, both extremely strong and devastating - and extremely gentle and caressing. Together they work from tiny creative beginnings all the way to huge disasters.
  Feng-shui, wind-water, is the art of shaping the environment and landscape but also reading it: geomancy. It is how the emperor rules the people: reading the patterns and giving them patterns to follow. Knowing the patterns of your life will allow you to acknowledge or dissolve them and reshape your way. When patterns change or dissolve, opportunities will appear, sudden moments that are not yet defined. A quick mind can seize them.

This is the short answer - click for the complete one.

The initiative

trigram Wind    Water
The top line (Heaven-line) shows the change of the focus or initiative.
变上爻为坎, 风入水面, 为浪为波, 漂泊劳碌,
小 人尤畏, 亦为混浊之乖, 少全清节,
有 岸覆舟之虞。
When the upper line changes, Wind activates Water. The wind penetrates the surface of the water, making waves and swells. Busy activity but drifting aimlessly.
Little people are very fearful and there is also the shrewdness of corruption, few are completely honest.
There is worry, like when a boat is in danger of crashing on the shore.

The subject

trigram Wind    trigram Water
The bottom line (Earth-line) shows the change of the field or subject.

  The Earth-line is unchanging yin. This line is the subject, or the ‘field’ where you pour in or find both the cause and the means for your initiative: space, material, helpers or other people, resources and realization, even food for thought. It is a 'receiving' line, the earth needs input and resources to make things grow and bring concrete results.
  Your subject or project will stay attractive, but it will continue to absorb and process and use it to continue the work. It will not shine on its own or show increase to the outside, the work of building up happens in the background.

Beauty comes from the space within.

The outcome

trigram Wind    trigram Water
The middle line (Man-line) shows the outcome.

   The middle line shows the result. It is stationary yang, there will not be any increase or decrease, but still action and output. Yang is inspiring, but it is too early to expect concrete results. The middle line is the 'man' line, it can also be about you yourself, not only what you do.
  If this project does not need a concrete solution, yang can be very positive. It will continue to inspire and bring joy and brightness. Even if it stays unsubstantial in a material sense, it can improve the lives of people, like movies, holidays, love or a guiding star. But stay within limits, yang brings increase, but without yin it is prone to deplete itself, it is relentless and tends to be too cold or to strive too much. Plans may be too theoretical or even illusionary. If you are aware of this and rein it in, yang brings the joy of inspiration, plans, and visions.

Inspire yourself and your surroundings.


  The three helpers
  Each line, active or at rest, summons one of the 8 trigrams as a Helper.

  For an activated line: telling you what you need - or about a problem area or something to avoid.
  For a stationary line: this is what you already have or do or what you don't need. Often we just need a reminder of our abilities. Or it could be what you wish or fear - but will not happen.
  Active lines are the helpers to change things, they listen to intentions, which can come from you, surroundings, or fate. Stationary helpers are part of the core meaning, they are your soul talking, but they also see the impossibilities. They reinforce the overall power of a reading.

  Advice or help for the initiative: Kan, Water, with his direction and focus, his courage to take risks and his talent to give things shape
  Advice or help for the subject: Xun, Wind, with her power to choose and influence, is lacking here or not needed. Yin remains Yin.
  Advice or help for the outcome: Gen, Mountain with his constancy, his ability to make things endure
  But when things are not satisfying, it might be that one or more helpers don't help enough - or try too hard. Or maybe you don't listen carefully enough.

last update: 03.12.2022


© LiSe April 2000